Following the arrival of Romeo Mogos, audiovisual consultant and specialist in the integration of technology tools in professional workplaces, Alternativ is launching a brand new department. The aim is to respond to companies’ demands for a more – and better – connected work environment than ever before, particularly to support the transition to the hybrid work model.
We put it to Romeo Mogos that you can never install enough sockets when you are building or renovating a house. “You’ve hit the nail on the head. My work at Alternativ is obviously made more complex by the fact that, in this new department, it will be about integrating all the information and communication technologies (ICT) into professional work spaces. But one thing is certain – the integration of technology into workplaces and audiovisual solutions must be considered upstream of any development or complete renovation project – before starting on the work, and once the company’s needs have been identified, not afterwards! Not every company has an IT or technology development manager. Often, an external consultant is called in and supervised by a steering committee. That’s why Alternativ launched this department, which was created to provide specific answers to any request concerning ICT, and to guarantee a single point of contact for the customer – Alternativ’s DNA – who will also see to the resolution of audiovisual and technological problems. This department has therefore been added to the furniture and Design & Build offer.”
Not a job you can make up as you go along
It has not escaped anyone’s notice that the health crisis has forced companies to be extremely reactive in terms of the balance between virtual and face-to-face work, the hybrid model, the reorganisation of work, the very use of offices, and more. “In the world of the future, the challenge for companies will be to optimise the performance and quality of life of their employees by exploiting digital technology. However, integrating new information and communication technologies (ICT) into companies is not a job you can make up as you go along. Take it from me! ”
To identify and respond to the needs of companies, Romeo has defined the challenges they are/will be facing. And the gamut of ICT integration needs in professional offices is huge – from smart technology for managing and scheduling meetings, to steering the company towards a hybrid working model, and working out how to fit interactive screens in collaborative spaces. And then there’s thinking about putting enough sockets in the right places, responding to the constraints of the working environment, or managing technological developments and new functionalities in communication tools. Help!
Consultancy, and more…
Romeo’s mission is to identify the companies challenges and needs in order to help them choose the most suited audiovisual solutions for their workplace.- Our USP is well developed. It’s about facilitating the fitting out of professional offices by offering a turnkey service, which encompasses this new department and its many services – including consultancy, of course. Alternativ offers ideas, solutions and operational installation of ICT in the workplace. But this new department goes even further, by also offering a sales and after-sales service for audiovisual tools.”
How is ICT integration financed?
“We offer two models: CAPEX, i.e. the option for the company of purchasing technology and audiovisual tools, or, alternatively, OPEX, a more flexible leasing formula geared more towards the service than the product. This includes the renewal, maintenance, updating, upgrading, recycling etc… of information and communication technology tools. The OPEX formula is often favoured by companies wanting to benefit from the “product-as-a-service” business model and its advantages, such as sustainability ( lifecycle management of the installation ) and the investment spread over time.” Romeo concludes.